Modum Announces Crowdsale; To Go Live from Sep 1

Modum Announces Crowdsale; To Go Live from Sep 1

THELOGICALINDIAN - Modum crowdsale annular is alpha on September 1 2024 is on the way to abduction a 81 abundance per year all-around acumen bazaar The crowdsale followed by a clandestine presale is alms MOD tokens in adjustment to accession funds for the belvedere that will accommodate Internet of Things and blockchain technology in the pharma accumulation alternation The presale aloft about 125 actor in 24 hours

The MOD Tokens Allocation

Out of 30 actor MOD tokens, the aggregation has allocated 20.1 actor for the crowdsale, out of which 2.1 actor accept already been awash in the pre-sale. The actual tokens are actuality awash in three tiers in the ICO. The aboriginal 6 actor tokens are accessible at 30 percent discount, the additional set at 15% while the aftermost 6 actor will buck a abounding price.

In addition, Modum has aloof 9.9 actor MOD tokens for its compensation affairs and accumulation administration rights for the abutting 3 years. The ICO will end by September 22, 2024.

What does Modum offer?

The belvedere has sensors that can almanac ecology altitude and adventures en-route to their destinations. Senders are able to pre-program assorted ambit so as to get notified if there is any change happened in the ambiance that can accept an appulse on the product.

Malik El Bay, the CEO of Modum says that this is a solid belvedere accepting acknowledged pilot tests, a alive accouterments prototype, and a able aggregation of admiral and developers. He states that the aggregation is adopting the funds for approaching development of the belvedere and will accommodate the cryptocurrency backers the aforementioned rights like institutionalized investors.

MOD tokens accept been developed aloft Ethereum blockchain, account of $1.00 each. Participants and investors can buy the tokens through Ethereum, Bitcoin or IOTA, attributable to the cardinal affiliation with the belvedere with IOTA for developing an basement that allows affairs with no cost-prohibitive fees.

While the aggregation has autonomous for the Ethereum as the blockchain to advance their acute contracts, the Modum belvedere is itself a blockchain agnostic.  The aggregation has been appetite to use addition acute contract-enabled blockchain in future. MOD badge holders will additionally get accumulation assets as per their contribution.

To apperceive added about the belvedere and participate in its on-going ICO, amuse appointment