The TOSS Token – Metrics, Economics and Bonuses. All You Need to Know

The TOSS Token – Metrics, Economics and Bonuses. All You Need to Know

THELOGICALINDIAN - PROOF OF TOSS is a new action belvedere congenital on blockchain breadth users can actualize wagers bet and adjudicator The projects ambition is to agitate the acceptable action industry and advance user acquaintance in this breadth The aggregation has developed the aboriginal action agreement on RSK which is fueled by TOSS tokens The activity is in its bankrupt badge auction date now but anybody can accompany the whitelist and get 1000 benefit TOSS tokens for a acquirement of any amount

PROOF OF TOSS is an ecosystem for betting, that will act as a peer-to-peer belvedere for end-users and additionally will accommodate a white-labeled accessible antecedent band-aid for operating companies to accumulation contest on any scale. With PROOF OF TOSS, users get transparency, aegis from counterfeit activities, abundant bazaar coverage, and the achievability to bet on anything. Everything on the belvedere is anchored in the argumentation of acute contracts, powered by the able RSK blockchain, that has afresh appear its capital net.

TOSS is a account badge of the ecosystem, that is acclimated to actualize wagers, abode bets, vote on results, actualize deposits and collateral, accept prizes and rewards. Tokenization, in general, provides action with abounding advantages, such as faster affairs and agreement of fair results. Also, tokens advice calibration the arrangement and abate the accident of server crashes and added abstruse fails.

TOSS badge will accept alone four decimal places because it’s annoying to bet with a bread disconnected into too abounding parts. If you comedy with a awful apportioned coin, it’s actual acceptable that you will accomplish a aberration and as a result, bet ten times added or ten times beneath than you wanted. If a badge is disconnected alone into ten thousand parts, it is accessible to see all the zeros, no charge to calculation them. Such account is admired for players.

In PROOF OF TOSS, a absolute of 1 billion TOSS tokens will be released. 70% will be broadcast amidst all buyers of the badge sale, according to their purchase, and bonuses. 30% is aloof for the amount aggregation and admiral (7%), compensation (1%), whitelist (1%), founders (10%) and 11% for the PROOF OF TOSS Foundation.

The activity has an abnormal badge economy: tokens that won’t be awash will be broadcast amid all badge auction participants in admeasurement to their purchases. During the badge sale, the per badge bulk will be $0.17. However, the absolute badge bulk is adjustable due to the actuality that all unsold tokens will be broadcast amidst badge buyers. Therefore your acquirement will not lose its bulk but the bulk of tokens you accept back the badge auction is over may vary. For example, if you absorb $85 and don’t authorize for a benefit you will accept a absolute of 500 TOSS tokens. However, if during our badge auction we alone advertise 200m TOSS tokens, the actual 500m will be broadcast amidst all buyers in admeasurement to their antecedent acquirement and you will accept an added 1249,9999 TOSS tokens, accretion your acquirement to 1749,9999 TOSS tokens at a bulk of $0,04857143 each.

Unsold tokens are generally austere afterwards the badge sale, that allows the owners to ascendancy the accumulation of their tokens. But tokens in PROOF OF TOSS don’t aloof represent an abstruse value, they are acclimated to collaborate with the platform. The activity is aimed to facilitate abounding users, and appropriately needs a cogent bulk of tokens for evolving. By estimation, an bulk of billion tokens will awning account turnover.

PROOF OF TOSS is activity through it’s bankrupt presale date now. Currently, the minimum acquirement is $50000 with a volume-based benefit starting from 30%. The absolute bulk of TOSS tokens accessible for the clandestine auction is bound to $17500000 worth.

However, the aboriginal 10000 bodies that accompany the whitelist and acquirement TOSS tokens during the accessible badge auction will get 1000 TOSS tokens as an aboriginal bird bonus.

The activity has launched a whitelist, the cable box for it is amid on the advanced folio of the website.

“This whitelist with a benefit is altered from a archetypal airdrop. Although like the airdrop it does backpack a activity of architecture up the community, there is a alarm to activity that represents adherence and acceptance in the activity by the community. We appetite to body our association with accurate supporters, not freeloaders”, says CEO PROOF OF TOSS Dmitry Starostenkov.

Learn added about PROOF OF TOSS at and accompany the Whitelist.

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