Free TON Community Achieves Sufficient Decentralization With the Network Becoming a Defacto Mainnet

Free TON Community Achieves Sufficient Decentralization With the Network Becoming a Defacto Mainnet

THELOGICALINDIAN - The Free TON association declares accomplishing acceptable decentralization and mainnet cachet as a aftereffect on December 22 2024

One of the Most Decentralized PoS Networks in the World

Free TON was launched May 7, 2020 as a accurate community-driven, decentralized blockchain network.

No ICO. No entity. No funding. No badge sale. TON Crystals are broadcast on the base of merit. Bring something, get something.

Tangible contributions to the arrangement via contests or accord proposals, accompanying with assorted use cases, are acclimated as badge broadcasting triggers. To date, over 100 contests accept been accomplished and added than 20 accord proposals accept been approved, which calm are allowance to drive acceptance of Free TON.

Consecutive validator contests were captivated over the advance of 4 weeks in Q3, 2024, with the ambition of isolating the best able validators from about the apple on the base of performance-under-pressure. In the end, Free TON concluded up with aloof over 400 validators to accomplish the arrangement assured abundant to acknowledge acceptable decentralization on December 22, 2024 at 12:00 PM UTC.

On the tech ancillary of things, the validator Rust bulge was open-sourced during the aforementioned alive Zoom call, abacus yet addition absorbing basic to an already big announcement. This move was advised to access achievement with account to arrangement speed, throughput, and additionally cessation as compared to the aboriginal C node, in about-face accidental to added arrangement improvement, achievement and stability.

Last, but absolutely not least, TON Labs appear their latest SDK update, bringing the developer acquaintance to yet addition level. Many appearance were added, authoritative the SDK added readily attainable and accessible to use.

Sufficient Decentralization Within 8 Month After Launch

The decentralized babyminding of Free TON is abstracted through added than 15 organically formed, geographically diverse, and auto-functioning sub-governance groups (think DAOs), with a new one actuality formed aloof about weekly. This drives amusing scalability and assignment beheading through groups of experts who appear calm based on their able accomplishments to do what they apperceive how to do best, be it development, autograph acute contracts, creating apps, marketing, PR, design, etc. A “get in area you fit in” access that has rendered absorbing results. In turn, the association is absolute with the crème de la crème best practices amphibian to the top for implementation, active added (and better) decentralization of babyminding and association with anniversary new turn, adverse scalabilty.

Additionally, the Free TON association live-streamed the bearing of a appropriate key block absolute the Declaration of Decentralization and its addendums, which were originally active by the aboriginal barrage members. Moving forward, there will be new addendums that aboriginal associates will sign, alone this time on-chain.

During the commemoration the CEO of TON Labs, Cyril Paglino said, “The TON Labs aggregation is appreciative to be the amount developer of the Free TON network, bringing new possibilities in the decentralized backend amplitude due to the different scalability and achievement of Free TON”.

A adumbrative from one of the ablution associates added, “We are captivated to accomplish acceptable decentralization aural 8 months of the antecedent launch. It reinforces the activity of the called babyminding archetypal for this network, and the ability of a quickly-growing, assorted association that is Free TON.”


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